November 6, 2017

TAL-3 (2017)


With increased recognition that skilled teachers are perhaps the most fundamental resource for improving student learning, there is growing interest in figuring out how to recruit and retain competent teachers, especially in private universities of Bangladesh. Evidence shows that high quality teachers play an important role in facilitating interactive teaching and learning. So attracting the best people to teach in the higher education is a great challenge.  Moreover, getting them to stay in teaching profession is even more important.  But ensuring both of these are really a challenge for private universities in Bangladesh.

Ensuring quality teaching and learning has become an issue of importance as the landscape of higher education in Bangladesh has been facing continued changes: increased competition, increasing social  and geographical diversity of the student body, increasing demands for value of money, introduction of Information, Communication and  Technologies (ICT), etc.  Modern educational technologies have entered the classroom and demand the appropriate interactions between students and teachers. Effective teachers have empathy for students, they are organized and expressive. They have passions for learning, for their field, for teaching and for their students. But research also demonstrates that effective teaching depends on what is being taught and on other situational factors.

 The Foundation for Learning, Teaching and Research (fLTR), which has been recently created by nine Vice Chancellors of private universities, has taken an initiative to offer a certificate course on Teaching and Learning designed especially for the new instructors of private/public universities of Bangladesh.  The course will be facilitated on workshop mode and will run for three full working days (3 days X 8 hours=24 hours) which deals with fundamental requirements for teaching and learning at the university level. However, the fLTR is also planning to offer a long duration Diploma course both on teaching, learning and research.

It is commonly observed that while the new instructors are comfortable with their subject matter, but to be successful teachers for effective classroom teaching, they need more support for ensuring quality teaching and learning. The new instructors ( through a survey conducted earlier) expressed  that they believed there was a “generation gap” between them and their students, and they wanted to have a better understanding of the students and the way they think, act and express themselves.

The founders of fLTR strongly felt that the newly recruited faculty members must be oriented about the teaching philosophy, organizational culture, values and academic teaching and non-academic management practices of the university. So the agenda for the program was developed based on the new instructors’ needs.


Registered University

  1. Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology
  2. Bangladesh Open University
  3. Bangladesh University of Professionals
  4. BRAC University
  5. Daffodil International University
  6. Eastern University
  7. Feni University
  8. Green University of Bangladesh
  9. Independent University, Bangladesh
  10. Southeast University
  11. Shanto-Mariam University of Creative Technology
  12. University of Asia Pacific
  13. United International University
  14. University of Liberals Arts Bangladesh


Program Schedule with venue

Teaching for Active Learning 3 (TAL-3): An Initiative of fLTR
21-23 September, 2017
Venue: Auditorium, University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh


List of Participants

SL Name of the Participant Position Department Name of the Institute
1 Md. Shafique Rahman Lecturer Architecture AUST
2 Tanvir Ahmed Asst. Professor CSE AUST
3 Md. Dulal Mahmud Lecturer ICT BOU
4 Md. Kamruzzaman Asst. Professor Islamic Studies BOU
5 Md. Fakhrul Islam Patwary Lecturer Social Science BOU
6 Md. Moshiur Rahman Lecturer CSE BOU
7 Prof. Dr. Foysol Chowdhury Professor BRACU
8 KhondokerZahirulAlam Associate Professor Curriculum Development BUP
9 Mohammad Jahangir Alam Lecturer CSE DIU
10 Gazi Zahirul Islam Asst. Professor CSE DIU
11 Dr. AmenaFerdousi Associate Professor Engineering/Math EU
12 Mustafa Mamun Hayat Sr. Lecturer Finance FU
13 Dr. Md. Abdullah Al Humayun Asst. Professor EEE GUB
14 Md. Monirul Islam Lecturer CSE GUB
15 Dr. Ayaz Rabbani Asst. Professor Environmental Science IUB
16 Kazi Tanvir Mahmud Asst. Professor Economics SEU
17 Md. Sidduqul Islam Asst. Professor Pharmacy SEU
18 Md. Zahirul Islam Lecturer Business Admin. SMUCT
19 A.F.M. Mohiuddin Akhand Asst. Professor Interior Architecture SMUCT
20 Mr. Sazzadur Rahman Asst. Professor EEE UAP
21  Samira Sahel Lecturer Business Ad. UAP
22 Shafiqul Islam Assistant Professor School of Business and Economics UIU
23 Yeasmin Islam Lecturer School of Business and Economics UIU
24 Dr. Mohammad Imran Hossain Asst. Professor School of Business ULAB
25 Nazah Farhat Lecturer English ULAB
26 BashirulAzam Biswas Jr. Lecturer EEE ULAB



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